Take back control of your screen time.

Spend less time scrolling on your phone and more time with God and real-life connections.

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Introducing: Sabbath Space

What is it?

Its an app and device that temporarily blocks apps and notifications from your phone - leaving only the apps you choose.

Why a physical device and app?

The Sabbath Space Tags and App together create an extra layer of friction preventing mindless phone usage.

By making it a little bit more difficult to access addictive social media apps, I’ve reduced my screen time 81%, making time for the things that matter most in life

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Why do I need this?

Iphones and apps are designed to be addictive and the Screen Time feature is too easy to bypass.

Sabbath Space works with a physical tag device that allows you to leave that key behind, turning your phone into a new, distraction-free device freeing you to make time for the things that matter most.

How it works

Get Started

  • 1. Download App

  • 2. We ship you the Keychain tag

  • 2. Downlaod the app and choose the apps to leave unblocked

  • 3. Tap the tag to activate.
